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Here you will find podcasts for African Studies which are academically or thematically relevant, as well as recordings of lectures, talks or radio broadcasts.
African Studies
Africa Past and Present is a podcast by historians Peter Alegi, Peter Limb and guests at Michigan State University on the history, culture and politics of Africa and the African Diaspora.
The African Studies Centre at University of Oxford offers over 80 podcasts.
The podcasts of the Centre of African Studies (CAS) der SOAS are available via Soundcloud. Also see the CAS Media Gallery for for video and audio recordings of past events.
The LSE Citing Africa Podcast at the London School of Economics and Political Science consists of nine episodes that deal with issues around knowledge production in African countries.
Many of the Walter Rodney Seminars of the African Studies Center at Boston University are available via iTunesU.
In the African Literary Podcast James Murua presents interviews with African authors via Soundcloud.
The site kanraxel.uk has teaching resources on sociolinguistics and multilingualism studies for universities, based on a film on rural multilingualism in Senegal.
African American Studies
The Podcast about African American Studies at Princeton University, recorded and co-produced by Elio Lleo and Anthony Gibbons, focuses on the political, economic, and cultural forces that shape our understanding of race within America.