DMP Online



DMP Online

Funding bodies increasingly require their grant-holders to produce a Data Management Plan (DMP), both during the bid-preparation stage and after funding has been secured. DMPonline helps research teams respond to this requirement, and any expectations that their institution or others may apply.

DMPonline is a web-based tool based on the open source DMPRoadmap codebase, which is jointly developed by the Digital Curation Centre (DCC) and the University of California Curation Center (UC3). The DCC & UC3 work closely with research funders and universities to produce a tool that generates active DMPs and caters for the whole lifecycle of a project, from bid-preparation stage through to completion.

It provides relevant questions from your funder and organisation, together with guidance and example answers to help you respond. You can share your plan with collaborators to co-write it and export it in a number of different formats.

There are a number of templates within the tool that represent the requirements of different funders and institutions. Users are asked three questions at the outset to determine the appropriate template to display. Guidance is provided to interpret and answer the questions. This guidance is provided by researcher funders, universities and disciplines.
