VAD 2022 in Freiburg: Call for Panels



VAD 2022 in Freiburg: Call for Panels

The Association for African Studies in Germany e.V. (VAD) organizes an international and interdisciplinary conference every two years. The next VAD conference entitled “Africa-Europe: Reciprocal Perspectives” will take place from 07.-10.06.2022 in Freiburg im Breisgau. It will be organized by the newly founded Africa Centre for Transregional Research (ACT) of the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg.

Call for Panels English Version

Look forward to more information on the future conference website!

Panel proposals can be submitted here:

Important dates:

Call for Panels is now open!
Call for Panels closes: 15.10.21
Call for Papers opens: 1/11.21
Call for Papers closes 31.01.22

Delegates may only convene one panel, although they may also make one presentation or be a discussant in another panel. No panel may run for more than two sessions of 90 minutes. For organizational reasons panel convenors must have secure funding for their own conference attendance.

Proposals must consist of:

  • a panel title
  • name, institutional affiliation and email addresses of panel convenor or convenors
  • a short abstract of max 300 characters
  • long abstract of max 300 words
  • please specify which of the eleven topics your panel addresses by selecting the relevant stream when uploading your proposal

Please be aware: We hope to be able to organize the upcoming conference as a f2f event with some virtual elements. However, we will continue to monitor the corona situation and might have to change the conference format to hybrid or virtual. Stay safe and warm regards from Freiburg!
