VAD Toolbox:



VAD Toolbox: “Aktuelles”

An ka taa: Media and resources for Manding

An ka taa is an initiative by Coleman Donaldson (University of Hamburg) to offer modern educational media, resources and lessons for current and emergent speakers of Manding (and related varieties such as Bambara, Dioula, Malinké, Mandinka).

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Online Resources: Educating for Black Lives

he site Educating For Black Lives: Readings and Resources for Anitracist Education by Routledge has been reated in collaboration with authors and makes online resources for research and teaching freely available alongside a curated collection of additional resources.

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Resources on Medieval Saharan Africa

The companion website for the exhibition “Caravans of Gold, Fragments in Time: Art, Culture, and Exchange Across Medieval Saharan Africa” presents images and information about key objects and artworks from the exhibition, interviews with experts, and resources to support teaching and learning.

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